Friday, November 4, 2011

Can anyone help tell me what my dreams mean and make sense of them please?

my dream last night that i can remember started off with me having the abomniable snowman as my pet on a leish in this orangy snowy enviroment. with me sitting on a brick wall 4 feet high. and sitting next to me was the oreo mcott from thoughs oreo comericals the one with the eyes always looking scared and never last more then 5 seconds in the comercials. it lasted a bit longer with me though it was my friend in the dream. until my better friend came which was a unicorn and i shared the oreo guy for lunch with my unicorn i think it was my lover. then we walked the abominable snowman over a rainbow. then got to this patch of live daisies and me, the unicorn, the abominable snowman and the live daisy all danced together for about an hour. after that i woke up. i swear i was on nothing i have never touched a drug in my life i have no interest in them. i am 21 and never even drank alcohal. but that really freeked me out although my dreams are often this weird. i know my father did a lot of drugs before i was born and he was younger. am i living high from what he did or something its mad strange. and can anyone make sense of this most of all. people say your dreams are your subconcious thoughts comming together and you can use them to help make sense in your life. there is a lot of difficuilt things going on with me and my girlfriend so i would like to make sense of this maybe it can help. does anyone have any idea what this means? or am i just living high thanks to my dad?

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